RH incompatibility was the reason my mother had many miscarriages and why they thought I had a good chance of not surviving birth and that if I did, I would be severely handicapped both physically and mentally. I was a very healthy baby and remain healthy at age 76, which my family attributes to my mother having turned me over to God. I have realized as I have gone through life that I do have some abnormalities in functioning that might be attributable to RH incompatibility, but they are not critical to functionality. Rhogam became available the year I graduated from college.
RH incompatibility was the reason my mother had many miscarriages and why they thought I had a good chance of not surviving birth and that if I did, I would be severely handicapped both physically and mentally. I was a very healthy baby and remain healthy at age 76, which my family attributes to my mother having turned me over to God. I have realized as I have gone through life that I do have some abnormalities in functioning that might be attributable to RH incompatibility, but they are not critical to functionality. Rhogam became available the year I graduated from college.